@Gladstone Park Primary School

Principal’s Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Gladstone Park Primary School.

Gladstone Park Primary School believes in a co-operative approach between its students, staff and parents. Through working together, students will develop positive attitudes, skills and the abilities to confidently meet the challenges in front of them.

The school’s motto “Achieving Excellence” reflects our core values:
* Respect
* Honesty
* Responsibility
* Cooperation
* Unity

We are particularly proud of the Gladstone Park Primary School’s reputation as a caring school community, allowing children to grow emotionally, intellectually and physically in a safe, attractive and caring learning environment.

Gladstone Park Primary School provides many specialist programs that are supported through dedicated facilities for a number of the associated learning areas. Furthermore, the students have access to an exciting array of extra- and intra-curriculum programs that enhance personal and academic achievement.

We believe that a strong partnership between home and school is one of the most significant influences on a child’s learning. At Gladstone Park Primary School, parents and teachers work together and support one another to ensure the best possible education for our children.

I proudly invite you to explore our website to become familiar with the school’s many exciting features.

Tony Malgioglio
